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Video: Swedish for German Children

from scratch.

Dear German parents, if your children want to learn Swedish, here is a short introductory video. Please note that it is held in German, but a similar course can be offered for English-speaking children at all levels.


Liebe Eltern, wenn Ihre Kinder Schwedisch von Anfang an lernen wollen, ist hier ein kleines Intro-Video. LTT Language bietet Kurse auf allen Niveaus.



Free Swedish Conversation Fika

Välkomna, we meet every Saturday!

Free weekly meetings for casual conversation in Swedish. No matter where you are in the world and in your journey through the Swedish language, you are warm-heartedly welcome to join. The meetings will resume again and are now held every Saturday,   10.30 - 11 am CET. Grab a coffee and a Kanelsnäcka och låt oss snacka! 

To join, simply click here. This link takes you directly to the waiting room of the live meeting, no need to register.



Meanwhile in Class

We captured a beautiful moment in a lesson, where my student created an elevator pitch and this just happens to be a great presentation of her skills and visions, so we decided to post it. 



TOEFL Essay Example

Read the question below. Give yourself 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. 
Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 
Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment.


When people watch television, they are confronted with many forms of commercials, biased reports, or inappropriate lifestyles, all of which can have an undesired subliminal effect on the spectator’s behavior. When it comes to TV ads, many people switch the program or take a break to head to the bathroom or the fridge. Small children are less likely to make that conscious decision and might be subjected to more commercials when watching television, which could lead to them urging their parents to buy those products, although they are not yet able to weigh the pros and cons. But should we put new laws in place for toddlers’ protection in this niche?

Well, I think the best approach would be that mothers and fathers prevent their youngsters from watching television altogether, as people get mesmerized by the programs: EEG studies have shown that when watching television, our brain waves are converted from beta waves into alpha waves – the latter is a state associated with daydreaming and a reduced ability of critical thinking. In addition, from my perspective, there is no point in manipulating anyone, especially not minors. So rather than stipulating new stringent laws, guardians must not let their offspring watch TV but instead offer a digital interactive learning program if the idea is that the child be entertained via a screen for some time.

Working in marketing myself occasionally, I think companies should generally be allowed to advertise. Young people will also be exposed to commercials in other areas of life, be it at the movies, on DVDs, on a muesli package, on the radio or in the streets. So, putting a law in place that only prohibits TV ads directed towards young children will not prevent them from seeing advertising in general. The proposed idea is therefore likely to be ineffective, as the advertisers can simply switch to other media forms.

Also, if such topics were actually being discussed in the public sphere, the large lobbyists would have already taken action by manipulating parents into being dismissive of the actual dangers of such commercials. For example, if a robot company had planned to advertise a chatbot-type doll that could offer a real interaction and conversation with the child, that manufacturer would have first addressed grown-ups via a first campaign trying to convince them of the seemingly marvelous educational benefits, and then tried to address the younger population in a second campaign.

In conclusion, I’d suggest that every family responsibly stands up for what they believe is right for their child on an individual basis. One might point out that the kids will get to watch TV in kindergarten, but luckily there are preschools such as Steiner pedagogues for example, where children are not offered any television. Considering all these facts, I do not necessarily agree with the above statement, it not being a convincing solution.


Written March 20, 2023 by Roswitha from



TOEFL Essay Example

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A teacher’s ability to relate with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught.

Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer, minimum 300 words. You have 30 minutes to plan, write and revise your essay.


It is undoubtedly of vital essence, that the teacher is knowledgeable with a sound foundation in the subject being taught in order to instruct, inform and secure excellent student marks. Nevertheless, the tutor’s knowledge might not be the most important aspect of education, when it comes to the ultimate success of scholars, which the term ‘important’ probably refers to. Considering that one goal of a lesson is that participants either learn the topic or develop enough interest for further self-study, other factors also play an integral role.

One of them, in my opinion, would be motivation. Many people like to do things for others seeking purpose in their endeavors. Therefore, if the tutor relates well with students, i.e., builds strong relationships and shows understanding for their requirements, they in turn, are more likely to willingly go along with the demands and struggles that are usually accompanied by a success-oriented learning process.

Another factor associated with the pedagogue’s connection to the scholars, can be whether the pedagogue establishes a sense of unity and harmony in the classroom setting. This will likely set the stage for a more productive and receptive state of mind in each involved individual, resulting in a better outcome, both in regard to the aura in the room and to the learner’s ability to process new information. After all, people don’t work very well under stress, but rather in a positive and friendly environment. An example can be to leave space for fun activities, even though this might not necessarily be the actual objective.

In retrospect, I personally had the best results in courses where the lecturer had left a positive impression and was engaging enough to practice with us in small groups. Thus, personal attention, I would say, also plays an additional role in the equation. In the end, even those not achieving the best marks might give the instructor, who established a nice relation with them, a better rating. Moreover, we must not forget that 90% of interpersonal communication is mediated via so-called nonverbal communication; this can be a smile or simple acts of kindness and encouragement, all of which are not directly related to the teacher’s knowledge and content of the lecture but are valuable and supportive nonetheless.

In summary, I can readily agree with the above statement.


Written March 6, 2023 by Roswitha from


What do you think about this essay - do you agree? Feel free to leave a comment.


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LTT Languages
5 months ago

Hej Nelson, jag har satt din mejladdress på deltagarlistan. Det går bra att koppla upp sig utan inbjudan, men vill någon stå på listan så är ni välkomna att kommentera här eller mejla till Hej då, vi ses!

Nelson Varela
5 months ago

Hej! Jag heter Nelson och jag är här för att öva svenska.
ag är intresserad av att lära mig mer svenska och träffa nya människor.
Tack för att ni låter mig vara med!

LTT Languages
6 months ago

Alla är välkomna att delta i våra gratis fikamöten på lördagar - registering behövs inte. För att dela behöver du endast klicka på den blåa knappen ovan. Vi ses!

2 years ago

Yes, I would like to learn more so that I can write something like this 😃
Or even close to it.

LTT Languages
2 years ago

Thank you Mahmoud, I hope reading this has also motivated you to learn more English!

2 years ago

Soo good!
I like it, especially the last paragraph 😃




What is the rule for using the Swedish article ''en'' or ''ett''?


There are a few clues:

First of all, 80 % of all nouns get the article ''en''. In addition, humans, animals and professions get ''en''. (An exception would be: ett barn - a child). Also, all words ending on ~tion or ~ion, get the article '''en''. Some simple examples would be: En information, en option, en reservation, en station. (Words you already know.) Apart from that, all words ending on ~ka, ~la and ~na get ''en''.

There are some more tricks and life hacks - let me surprise you in the lesson, because it is actually possible to determine the article for a Swedish word, that you have never heard before without knowing its meaning and without placing it into a category.

Welcome to try a lesson for free and before that, find out which Swedish level you are at, by taking a self test:

Written 2022 by Roswitha from