Swedish Courses
Here you find all Swedish courses offered regularly and detailed information. You can start each course each month.
Swedish A1 Online Classes
Mondays, starting July 15, 2024, 7-8.30 pm PDT
Tuesdays, starting July 16, 2024, 1-2.30 pm NZST
Tuesdays, starting July 16, 2024, 11-12.30 am AEST

If you always wanted to learn Swedish but don't have prior knowledge of the language yet, then this is the right course. Maybe you heard Swedish from relatives or while you were there on holiday and you would like to start being able to communicate and understand some things? Or you are thinking about moving to Sweden?
Then this course will suit you, you will learn basic everyday Swedish, official Swedish, pronunciation and how to do a basic conversation.
Course duration is 10 weeks, we meet once a week for two double lessons (90 min. per meeting), which will be 20 lesson in total. We will cover reading, conversation, writing, homework, grammar and how to express yourself correctly in private and official settings.
Price: 4000 SEK
Location: online, to register just send an email to: info@lttlanguages.com, you will receive a link to the live video lessons.
If you are an Ukrainian refugee, you can register for the Swedish beginner's courses for free!
Also this following beginner's course held in German:
Schwedisch A1 Online-Kurs für Anfänger auf Deutsch gehalten
(Weitere auf Deutsch gehaltene Gruppenkurse weiter unten.)
Sie können diese Kurs jeden Monat starten.
Vielleicht waren Sie oft in Schweden oder überlegen nach Schweden zu ziehen? Oder Sie haben schwedische Verwandte, mit denen Sie kommunizieren wollen? Dann ist dieser Kurs das Richtige für Sie. Der Kurs geht zunächst 10 Wochen, jeweils ein Doppellektion von 90 min. Im Kurs behandeln wir Konversation, Lesen, Schreiben, Grammatik, ein bisschen Kultur und wie man sich korrekt in privaten und offiziellen Situationen ausdrückt. Hausaufgaben und zusätzliche Übungen gibt es auch. Der Kurs findet online statt. Die Kursgebühr beinhaltet auch sämtliches Material. Zu mir: Ich bin Halbschwedin und unterrichte schon seit über 20 Jahren Schwedisch. Ich gebe auch Privatunterricht in Schwedisch, Englisch und Deutsch bei Bedarf auf allen Niveaus von A1 bis C2. Meine Kurse sind auch sehr nett mit kleinen Gruppe, max 5 Teilnehmnern. Der Kurs wird auf Deutsch gehalten.
Kursgebühr: 4000 SEK / 350 EUR
Sonntags ab 19. November
Zeiten: 10 am CET - 11:30 am CET
Für die Anmeldung, schicken Sie gern eine Email an:
Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hören. Hej då!
Swedish A1.2 Online Classes
Starting Sunday, Aug 25 at 9-10.30 am CET, 2024

For those who already can speak some bits of Swedish but are still beginners.
Test for Swedish Level A1.2
Test yourself, do you understand these sentences?
Hej, jag heter Roswitha och är halvsvensk. Jag undervisar i svenska, tyska och engelska. Jag bor nära Lund i Skåne. Det ligger i Sverige. Jag tycker om att simma.
Testa dig, förstår du det här? Hur gammal är du?
Kan jag få en kopp kaffe, tack!
Jag vill köpa en jacka och betalar med kort.
Vad kostar mobiltelefonen?
Jag vill öppna ett bankkonto, här är mitt id-kort.
Ursäkta, var ligger centralstationen?
Tack så mycket! Hej då!
Congratulations, if you understand this, then probably this class will be suitable for you! Below you find all information about the course:
LTT now offers the next online group classes for Swedish A1.2 for beginners. The weekly meetings consists of 90 min. (two 45 min. lectures, 20 lectures in total). Course duration is 10 weeks, we meet once a week. We will cover reading, conversation, writing, homework, grammar and how to express yourself correctly in private and official settings.
Price: 4000 SEK
Time: Mondays 12pm-1.30pm CET, Swedish time.
Location: online, to register just send an email to: info@lttlanguages.com, you will be invited to the video lessons.
LTT erbjuder svenska som andraspråk SVA1.2, där jag undervisar i svenska online. Kursen består av 20 lektioner - två per lektioner per vecka. Innehåll: läsning, att skriva, läxor, konversation, hörförståelse, grammatik och hur man uttrycker sig korrekt i formella och privata situationer.
Pris: 4000 kr.
Plats: Online, du kan registrera dig via mejl till: info@lttlanguages.com, och får en inbjudan till videolektionerna.
If you rather wish to learn in a more intensive environment, in which the classes are individually tailored, based on your exact level and requirements, where you choose time and day with flexibility, then you might want to try one-on-one classes. They are held both online and in in person, depending on where you live. You can always book a free trial lesson and decide from there.
Swedish A1.3 Online Classes held in English
Mondays, Start Feb 5. 2024, 9:30-11 am CET
NEU Schwedisch A1.3 auf Deutsch gehalten
Sonntags, Start: Feb. 11. 2024, 10 -11:30 am CET
For those who can already communicate various things in Swedish.

Test for Swedish Level A1.3
Test yourself: Do you understand these Swedish sentences? (Text below in green).
Selbsttest Schwedish A1.3: Verstehst du diese Sätze?
Förra året hade vi en stor fest för hela gruppen. Det var kul att träffa sina kompisar. Min bästa vän heter Tommy. Innan bodde han i Västerås, nu bor han i Göteborg, där forskar han om hälsa och livsstil. Han har en fru och två döttrar. De har också en hund och en Volvo. :)
Om du förstår detta, då kommer kursen att passa dig.
Congratulations, if you understand this, then probably this class will be suitable for you! Below you find all information about the course:
LTT now offers the next online group classes for Swedish A1.2 for beginners. The weekly meetings consists of two 45 min. lectures . Course duration is 10 weeks, we meet once a week. We will cover reading, conversation, writing, homework, grammar and how to express yourself correctly in private and official settings.
Price: 4000 SEK
Location: online, to register just send an email to: info@lttlanguages.com, you will be invited to the video lessons.
Swedish A2 Online Classes
For beginners who already have some understanding of the language.
Starting 11. Sept 2024, Wednesdays 11-12:30 am CET

Test for Swedish Level A2
Test yourself: Do you understand these sentences?
Skandinavien, det är Sverige, Norge och Danmark. En stor del av Sverige ligger ovanför polcirkeln. Ca. 60 procent av Sveriges yta består av skog. Det finns ungefär 100 000 sjöar. De flesta utländska besökare kommer från Norge, Tyskland och Danmark. Många av dem lockas till Sveriges fina natur med skogar, fjällandskap, sjöar och öar längs kusterna. Sápmi, även kallat Sameland, är det område som omfattar samernas historiska bosättningsområden. Området omfattar delar av Sverige, Norge, Finland och Ryssland.
Om du förstår detta, då kommer kursen att passa dig.
One class consists of a 45 min. lecture. Course duration is 10 weeks, we meet once a week for a double lesson. We will cover reading, conversation, writing, homework, grammar and how to express yourself correctly in private and official settings.
Price: 4000 SEK / 360 EUR
Location: online.
To express your interest for this course, please an email to: info@lttlanguages.com
LTT erbjuder svenska som andraspråk SVA2, där jag undervisar svenska online. Kursen består av 10 lektioner - en dubbellektion per vecka. Innehåll: läsning, att skriva, läxor, konversation, hörförståelse, grammatik och hur man uttrycker sig korrekt i formella och privata situationer.
Pris: 4000 kr.
Plats: Online.
Mejla gärna till: info@LTTLanguages.com för att anmäla ditt intresse för denna kurs.
If you rather wish to learn in a more intensive environment, in which the classes are individually tailored, based on your exact level and requirements, where you choose time and day with flexibility, then you might want to try one-on-one classes. They are held both online and in in person depending on where you live. You can always book a free trial lesson and decide from there.
Swedish B1 Online Classes
Starting Wednesday Sept 5, 2023, at 10-11:30am CET
Learn how to communicate specific topics in Swedish

Test for Swedish Level B1
Test yourself: Do you understand these sentences?
Bland de populäraste sporterna is Sverige är innebandy, fotboll, golf, ishockey, friidrott, skidåkning, gym, padel, simning och gymnastik. Längdskidåkning är en utmärkt aktivitet för att hålla sig aktiv på vintern, njuta av det fina vinterlandskapet och anda frisk luft. Vasaloppet är ett årligt långlopp på 90 kilometer och är baserad på Gustav Vasas flykt från Mora till Sälen på 1500-talet. Det första Vasaloppet ägde rum 1922. Längdskidåkning har låg risk, är bra för lederna, tonar musklerna och tränar uthålligheten.
Om du förstår detta till ca. 80-90%, då kommer kursen att passa dig.
One class consists of two 45 min. lectures. Course duration is 10 weeks, we meet once a week for 45 min. We will cover reading, conversation, writing, homework, grammar and how to express yourself correctly in private and official settings.
Price: 2000 SEK
Location: online, to register just send an email to: info@lttlanguages.com, you will receive a link to the live video lessons.
Swedish B1.2 Online Classes
Starts on request.
This is part to of the Swedish B1 course. You understood the text above with ease and like to move on through the second half of the B1 course. Conditions and set-up as above.
Click here to do an in depth self-assessment for Swedish language proficiency. It is suitable for intermediate and higher levels, as the grid is in Swedish.
Swedish B2 Online Classes held in Swedish (partly in English)

In this course will cover reading, conversation, writing, homework, grammar, job applications, job interviews, news and Swedish literature. The course will help you to integegrate into Swedish society and prepare you for the Swedish job market.
Option 1)
Start: May 5, 2024, 10-11:30 am CET, weekly on Sundays.
Course duration: 5 weeks with a double lesson each week.
Cost: 4000 SEK
Option 2)
Start: May 14, 2024, 10-10:45 am CET, weekly on Tuesdays.
Course duration: 10 weeks with a single lesson each week.
Cost: 4000 SEK
Location: online, to register just send an email to: info@lttlanguages.com, you will receive a link to the live video lessons.
Click here for self-assessment of your Swedish language proficiency. (Suitable for levels B1 till C2)
Did you not find your level or pace? LTT also offers classes on demand and even intensice
If you rather wish to learn in a more intensive environment, in which the classes are individually tailored, based on your exact level and requirements, where you choose time and day with flexibility, then you might want to try one-on-one classes. They are held both online and in in person, depending on where you live. You can always book a free trial lesson and decide from there.
Here are some example pictures of one-on-one lectures with my students:

Add comment
Tack Therese, jag har mejlat till dig.
Hälsningar Roswitha
Hej, I'm a native born Sweden and looking for on demand or time-tailored classes for my 15 year old daughter, Linnea. We are now in Colorado, USA (MST) so the courses listed above to not work for our time zone. The ideal times for her would be MWF 10-11am MST and Thursday 8:30-11am MST. Is this something you could configure for us?
Thank you for your interest in a Swedish course, Ruhul! LTT will contact you shortly. Kind regards!
I want to learn swidish.
Hello Hieke, thank you for your interest in the Swedish A1.2 class, LTT will email you shortly.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Hieke van Rijswijk, and I am from The Netherlands. I have been going to Sweden for holiday’s since I was seven. I would like to learn more and follow your A1.2 course. I don’t speak Swedish, but the piece that was written on your website was mostly understandable for me.
I would like to take the course on Sunday mornings, but if it’s better to follow on Wednesday evenings, then that is also okay.
I see forward to your response!
With kind regards,
Hieke van Rijswijk